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How To Take A Break That Will Recharge You.

Published by New Lune

Les pieds au Royaume-Uni, la tête dans les nuages. Designer & Illustrator. Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger. View all posts by New Lune

I know you might be wondering that it’s too early to talk about taking a break when the year has just begun but I personally think that if you want to take a break then you should simply take one regardless of the time of the year. It’s pretty much a sign that your body needs a rest and you shouldn’t feel bad for it.

Throughout the years, I’ve shared some ways on how to take a break but I haven’t really shared on how to take a break that will leave you feeling recharged & energised and that’s what I wanted to share with you in today’s post. There are times where you might not have necessarily felt recharged after taking a break and that’s what I wanted to talk about, without further ado – let’s jump into the post!

Je sais que vous vous demandez peut-être qu’il est trop tôt pour parler de faire une pause alors que l’année vient de commencer, mais je pense personnellement que si vous voulez faire une pause, vous devriez simplement en prendre une quelle que soit la période de l’année. C’est un signe que votre corps a besoin de repos et vous ne devriez pas vous en sentir mal.

Au fil des ans, j’ai partagé quelques façons de faire une pause, mais je n’ai pas vraiment partagé sur la façon de faire une pause qui vous laissera rechargé et énergisé et c’est ce que je voulais partager avec vous dans le post d’aujourd’hui. Il y a des moments où vous ne vous êtes peut-être pas senti rechargé après avoir fait une pause et c’est de cela que je voulais parler, sans plus tarder – sautons dans le post !

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Whether you are taking a couple of hours or a week break, turn off everything that’s not a part of your break. What’s the point of taking a break if your mind is still preoccupied of your work or other responsibilities? You won’t be able to enjoy, let alone rest if you are constantly thinking about the things that you want to take a break from. By the end of your break, you will still end up feeling that weight over your shoulders.

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This is probably the most crucial part of taking an effective break and that is to unapologetically take one. You won’t feel recharged if you are taking a break for the sake of it, you need to really take a break with the intention of taking one. This is the reason why most of the times, you are still tired or unmotivated because you unconsciously felt guilty for taking one in the first place when you could have been productive.

But you have to remember that everybody’s bodies work differently and you can’t blame yourself for not doing things or working like another person. If you need to take a break every other day because you give all your energy in those working days then do it with no remorse. You will see a huge difference with your motivation & productivity level as well as with the quality of your work.

Related: How To Find Joy In Life.



This is something I’ve mentioned multiple times on my blog but you have to enjoy the present especially during the time when you are taking a break if you want to feel recharged and energised by the end of it. A break is supposed to emit joy & peace so do things that radiate those emotions while not regretting about the past and not worrying about the future.

Related: 3 Thoughts That Will Change Your Life.

Thank you so much for reading! – xo N

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